So, in the month of January, here's what I read:
Whispers in Autumn by Trisha Leigh. This is a great book with sci-fi/post apocalyptic elements. From goodreads:
In 2015, a race of alien Others conquered Earth. They enslaved humanity not by force, but through an aggressive mind control that turned people into contented, unquestioning robots.
Except sixteen-year-old Althea isn’t content at all, and she doesn’t need the mysterious note inside her locket to tell her she’s Something Else. It also warns her to trust no one, so she hides the pieces that make her different, even though it means being alone.
Then she meets Lucas, everything changes.
Althea and Lucas are immune to the alien mind control, and together they search for the reason why. What they uncover is a stunning truth the Others never anticipated, one with the potential to free the brainwashed human race.
It’s not who they are that makes them special, but what.
And what they are is a threat. One the Others are determined to eliminate for good.
I loved this book. I read it on kindle and it was so engaging that I couldn't put it down.
I also read
I got Reached for Christmas, so I reread Matched and Crossed. I found it all to be quite nicely tied together. The end was fulfilling and matched the rest of the story. This series is not an action-y series. There's a lot more introspection and reflection about what it means to be a person and what choice is. And I liked that.
Right now, I'm reading
I've finished As They Slip Away and am rereading the rest of the series to finish up with Shades of Earth. What a great sci-fi! Light on the science, heavy on the fiction, and a dash of mystery. So good.
What are you reading right now?