Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A tough time

Well, sorry for the silence again. I'm just not that good at this right now. Between actually trying to write, working, and family stuff, the blog is pretty much the first to get the ax on any given day. And it's just gotten more complicated at our house.

Baby girl, who turns 1 year old tomorrow, is allergic to eggs. We found out a few days ago when she tried scrambled eggs for the first time. She's probably been allergic for a long time, but we didn't realize what it was until she had the egg on her face, so to speak. She broke out with a bright red rash and welts and got a little wheezy. The whole shebang. And now, it seems to make a lot of sense that she's had a diaper rash that just wouldn't go away.

The worst part? She's still a nursing baby and egg protein is one of those things that goes straight through. So, not only does she not get any egg in her diet, but neither do I. And egg proteins don't break down when you cook them. That means you can't have eggs in any products. Noodles, cookies, cake, bread. Yes, bread. I now have to read every label of everything we ever eat. And there's an awful lot that is on the no go list now. It's giving me a head ache. And a bit of the blues. And it is still so new that, every new item she can't eat (and by extension, me) just makes me sad.

So, yeah. Things are interesting at our house. Hopefully it will settle down again soon. And we'll have it all figured out.

In other news, my blog is having a birthday on December 22. It will be 2 years old. What should we do to celebrate?


Tonja said...

My kids had peanut and milk allergies when they were younger. It was difficult, but we got through it.

Stephanie McGee said...

Oh man, that's rough. It'll get easier for mom when baby stops nursing, but so sad. But rough all around.

Palmer O said...

I'm sorry! Naughty eggs. I have stopped eating gluten and feel much better, but it's sometimes hard. It's worth it to avoid all the bad side effects.

Sarah Tokeley said...

That's rough, I'm sorry to hear it.

Kasey @ The Beautiful Thrifty Life said...

I have a great and super easy homemade bread recipe with NO eggs in it if you want it. Also a totally vegan (no eggs!) chocolate cake recipe. I'm not allergic or vegan but I make them both because they're yummy! Contact me at unicornq (at) aol (dot) com if you want the recipes. :-)

My 2-year-old nephew is allergic to milk and dairy and I can see what a headache it can be for my poor sister-in-law. My heart goes out to you!

Liesl Shurtliff said...

Bummer. If we lived near I'd bring you some of my homemade bread, which is deliciously egg-free.

But yay for 2 years! Let's have a party. Have another blogfest!

Myrna Foster said...

I'm sorry.

There are lots of great recipes for bread and such that don't have egg in them, but you'd have to make them yourself.

And I know it's not really about that. It's hard when our kids have something that makes their lives more dangerous or even just uncomfortable. I hope she grows out of it.

Kristin Rae said...

That sounds like a really difficult allergy! Poor thing! Hopefully she will grow out of it.

My two year blogiversary is tomorrow! I also asked my followers how to celebrate and so far they're giving me nothing! haha Congrats to you!

Sierra Gardner said...

Oh - I'm so sorry Kayeleen! You should be careful about some of the vaccinations that will be coming up for her, many of them (particularly the flu vaccine) are cultured in eggs. A lot of other beauty and household products also contain eggs. (Sorry for the gloomy news!) The good news is that some children grow out of egg allergies as they grow older. Best of luck with everything and congrats on the blog birthday.

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

I'm so late to comment, but I'm so sorry for this complication in your life. Ugh. Allergies are such a pain! My baby girl turns one next month -- I didn't realize ours were so close together! Happy belated birthday to her!

Congrats on your blog birthday in a few days. :)

Chantele Sedgwick said...

I'm sorry about the egg allergy. :( I was allergic to milk products when I was younger. I grew out of it though, so it does happen. Good luck with her and I hope everything is a little less hectic now! *hugs*