Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Letters to My Future Self

Today is Kristin Creative's first blogfest. She's celebrating 300 followers with this fun idea. Click on the picture and hop over to her blog to see the rest of the entries!

Dear Future Self,

Today is starting much the same way every other day starts. You slept in. The kids are going crazy. The laundry has piled up again. You forgot to start the dishwasher before you went to bed so the kids had to eat their cereal in a cup.You've got allergies and oldest boy is still coughing from last week. It doesn't feel like there is enough time in the day to keep the house clean, maintain the yard, write in your blog, and still find time to work on your stories. And sometimes, it's really (really, really, really) hard to appreciate the life you have right now.

I'm guessing that in the future, you will have persevered through all this stuff. The kids will be in school. You'll have the house to yourself during the day. They'll be old enough to pick up their own messes, help with laundry and dishes, and take care of themselves for the most part. You'll have time to write during the day for solid chunks of time, instead of whenever you aren't holding the baby or trying to catch up on everything else. You're going to keep working on your craft and be better than you are right now. Maybe you'll have a few books published. Even if you don't, it's still something you will be working for. Because you're like that. You don't give up on things that are important to you.

When you look back on this time and remember how hard it was, I hope you also remember how fulfilling it was. Yeah, you had bad days. (Okay. There are a lot of bad days. You aren't as patient as you want to be and that postpartum depression is a really big deal sometimes.) But you also had good days. Days when you had a clean house, even for just an hour before bed. Days when you were able to sit down and pound out the words. Days when you took the kids to the park. Days when you were happy with yourself and what you were doing. Those are the important things to remember. And hopefully, those are the things that will still be important to you.

No matter what, look back on this time and remember that everything you are today is what you were before, for good or bad. You've never lived with regrets before, so make sure you aren't living with regrets now. And when things seem bad, because we both know that bad is part of life, look really hard for the good. It's always going to be there. Good luck!


So, friends, what would you tell your future selves?


Anonymous said...

Oh, what a great idea for a blogfest! And your letter is lovely. *Hugs*

Kristin Rae said...

Great letter! I don't have kids, but I still have trouble finding time for things (and I know all about eating cereal in a cup, and with measuring spoons!).

Thanks for participating!!

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

Ah, yes! I can totally relate to your letter, too. :) Loved it.


Jennifer Shirk said...

What an encouraging letter to your self! Loved it!

And the part about "the kids had to eat their cereal in a cup because you forgot to run the dishwasher", been there. Done that too. LOL

Unknown said...

What a great letter! You should print it out and save it to really read to your future self. :)

Laura said...

This is really touching. Sounds like you are blessed with family. I know it must be hectically mad at times, but from someone who can't have a family, enjoy very moment of it!

NiaRaie said...

I already wrote a letter to my future self on my blog, but think about this: in the future you will have been trained to write despite time commitments and it'll just make you a more dedicated writer. Also, I like my cereal in a cup :)

Gina Ciocca said...

What a lovely, positive letter. I'm glad we all assume things will only get better!

ali cross said...

Oh Kayeleen. That last part was just so, so beautiful. The rest made me think of that country song, I think it might be called "You're gonna miss this". It would be a great soundtrack your letter here.

Ellen Brickley said...

Great letter, Kayeleen. I have no idea how moms manage to write, well done for carving out the time and being honest about the pressures.

And your kids will look back on the cereal in a cup experience with fondness when they grow up :)

Glad I found your blog!

Teralyn Rose Pilgrim said...

Wow, that was a powerful post! Since I want to be a mother/author, it really resonated with me. I like how you remind yourself that today is already good. And I love the no regrets.

It looks like you need to have a blogfest celebration yourself... one hundred followers!

Anonymous said...

A lovely letter about the importance of maintaining balance between family life with writing. As a mother of two active boys, I often alternate between the spending quality time with my family,and writing while they are in school. It depends on our daily schedules.

Nicki J. Markus / Asta Idonea said...

Thanks for visiting me and reading my letter - best wishes to you!

Jennifer Hoffine said...

Look for the good...great words to any future or present self.