Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I wanted to have something awesome and writerly to say today, but it just isn't happening. There's a lot of crazy going on in my world and t has left me kind of out of it. A random sampling:

1. My little sister had her 3rd baby Monday night. Her 3rd boy. Everything went well.
2. My mom's dad went to the doctor because he was having neck pain. He has two collapsed disks in his neck and needed emergency surgery. He could still end up paralyzed. I have no idea how things are going right now.
3. My kids destroyed my computer. Literally. Like, the warranty expires in a month and I'm lucky to be getting a new DVD drive, keyboard, case, and power cord.
4. Because of computer issues, family issues, and every day life, I'll be offline for a few days. I'll try to get online to update you all and hope to have everything resolved by Monday. I'll be writing by hand for the next few days.

Thanks, friends. I appreciate you all.


Chantele Sedgwick said...

I hope everything gets better! Life sucks sometimes. If you need anything, let me know. Hugs! :)

M Pax said...

Life is a doozy sometimes. Glad the computer is still under warranty. Hope your mom's dad mends quick. Congrats to your sister.

Will check on ya when you get back.

Jess said...

Hang in there~ sounds like you're due for some good news. It should show up any day now :)

ali cross said...

((hugs)) Let us know how things go .....

Liesl Shurtliff said...

When it rains, it pours. I hope things get better!

Sarah said...

I hope everyone's ok--take care of yourself and your family.

Laurel Garver said...

Sorry to hear all this stuff is hitting at once. Hope you grandfather is soon on the mend, and congrats on the new nephew.

Computer woes are the worst--glad the warranty will cover the many repairs!