Wednesday, March 10, 2010

And then there was... writing

Yes, friends. I went back to my writing. And it was good. I mean, not blow me away amazing, but good.

I was talking to my husband about the insecurities I have been feeling. The way I haven't felt motivated to even try any more, because I'm just not going to be good enough at any point in time. And he said, "I guess you'll just have to get to work." And he was right.

I may not have the greatest book ever written. I may not have anything insightful and powerful to say. But I'm still going to do it. Because it is work. And if I don't work at it, I never will get better. No one else is going to tell my story. I have to. So I will. And I'm going to feel good about it. Now, back to work!


Shelli (srjohannes) said...

we writers love to write - we cant give it up even if we wanted to :)

MeganRebekah said...

I just found your blog, and I have to say I LOVE YOUR BACKGROUND. It's so cute! I'm dying of jealously and desperately wanting to update my design now.

Kayeleen Hamblin said...

Shelli, it's really true. If I even think about walking away from it, it never lasts more than a few hours.

MeganRebekah, thanks! Welcome to my blog!

Elana Johnson said...

This is the kind of positivity I like to read! You get to work, girl. And it will be amazing.

Jennifer Shirk said...

Good for you! Get writing!

Kayeleen Hamblin said...

Thanks everyone for the support! It means a lot.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

You spoke my heart! This is exactly how I have been feeling lately. And I need to get to work too! :-)