Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Hunger Games, A review

OK. I know. I'm extremely behind on my TBR. In my defense, the library in my little town isn't particularly good at keeping up on new books and my new book budget is virtually non-existent.

I loved this book. I'm not normally a fan of first person, present tense, but wow. I just don't know what else to say about it. I think the really good thing is that I'm coming into the trilogy when it's almost entirely finished, so I don't have to wait several years for the resolution. I just have to wait until August. (And whatever time it takes to get it at the library.)

I don't remember the last time I read so voraciously. I seriously couldn't put this book down. (OK. I had to. Sleep had to happen at some point.) It interfered with my usual writing time, though. It was just that good. The characters were original. The plot was original. The pace was fast and not a single word was wasted. I could go on and on. I don't want to cover any of the story for those of you who, like me, haven't had a chance to read it. (If this is you, read it. You won't be disappointed.)

It really makes me want to be a better writer. With that said, back to work.


Shannon O'Donnell said...

I am in love with this book - one of my all-time favorites! :-)

Abby Stevens said...

I got it for Christmas and my husband plucked it straight out of my hands and finished it in about a week! And this is a person who rarely has the time or interest to read. I've not read it yet, but I know it's got to be good for my husband to have devoured it. :-)

Elana Johnson said...

I love books that make us evaluate where we are as writers. And THG definitely does this.

Jennifer Shirk said...

I haven't read this yet. But now I must push it up on my "to be read" list. :)