Wednesday, July 6, 2011


It occurred to me as I was watching my 4 year old play with sparklers without fear for the first time. I'm really thankful for my life. It's not an easy life. I've gone through lots of things that I didn't appreciate at the time. And I'm still surrounded by tough things. It doesn't get easier. But it's mine and I'm grateful for it.

I'm grateful for kids who are so cute they just make me giggle all the time. (It's hard to remember that when they dump the whole bottle of shampoo on their heads during bathtime.)

I'm grateful for a house that is mine. (This is especially true when I can come home to my house after being gone for a few days.)

I'm grateful for my talents. I write, sing, dance, and a few other things for good measure. And I can develop them. Like my writing. I am better now than I was when I started two years ago. And I know I will be better in two years when I look back again.

I'm grateful or the friends I've developed with this blog. I feel like I really know you. We share in hard times. When I'm celebrating, you come with me. When I'm sad or acing hard, personal things, you send love and prayers.

I'm grateful to live in a time that has so many conveniences and advantages. I've got freedoms that never existed years ago. And I can choose a lot do a lot of things for myself that my grandparents and great-grandparents never even considered.

What are you grateful for today, friends?


Gina Ciocca said...

What a nice post. I'm grateful that I re-discovered my love of reading and writing. When I graduated college and got a job that had nothing to do with my English degree, I got so caught up in corporate misery that I forgot about my outlets. Coming back to them, creating my blog, and meeting people who love to read and write as much as I do have made me a better person!

M Pax said...

Learning to be grateful for what I have changed my life. For the better.

I'm grateful we're employed, have a roof over our heads, food on the table, two spoiled adorable kitties and that I do things I love.

Anonymous said...

Lovely post.

I'm grateful for lots of things: my hubby and my cats especially. :O)

Small Town Shelly Brown said...

I'm grateful for my family, food, freedom, friends, and fried fish (I had a theme to keep up)

Life is hard but life is good :)

Good post